Tuesday, 15 February 2011
The Grudge Analysis (5)
The opening scene then ends with a shot of the husband on the floor dead after his sudden fall. The sound at this point is very slow and very spooky because the fall was unexpected and was made to frighten viewers. This shot then fades out which is a good effect because it leaves the viewer in suspense wanting to find out more and ask the questions who made him jump off his balcony and why did he do that to himself. It leaves the viewer wanting to watch the film and see what happens.
The Grudge Analysis (4)
The Grudge Analysis (3)
The Grudge Analysis (2)
The Grudge Analysis (1)
Main Task Analysis: The Grudge
This was another film that we researched as it related to the genre of "horror" that we are going to do. This film has a very scary start to the film where there is a woman in a kitchen with her husband who sees her husband fall from there balcony all the way down to the bottom of where they live. Which resulted in her husband then dieing. This films opening scene doesnt give the plot away it gives away enough information for the viewer to be left in suspence wanting to find out more about the film, whats going to happen and why the woman saw her husband fall from her balcony.
The Strangers Analysis (4)
The Strangers Analysis (3)
Friday, 11 February 2011
The Strangers Analysis (2)
The Strangers Analysis (1)
Main Task Analysis: The Strangers
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Preliminary Task Evaluation
- What did you learn about the camera and editing software during the preliminary task?
The cameras that we used during the preliminary task were easier to use than we thought to figure out the settings on the camera and to use in general. The camera allowed us to do a wide range of different shots in a range of different locations. To make the preliminary task have a good flow of shots that could be put together in the editing software. The editing software allowed us to edit all of are shots to make them fit in to are task. The editing software also allowed us to use a range of cuts such as a match cut and it also let us use a range of shots such as shot reverse shot. We also found out that all the shots we took with the camera worked well with the editing software to put the piece together.
- In the filming and editing of your project, what worked well and what could have been improved
In the filming and editing part of our preliminary task the locations of the college building in which we filmed worked well with the shots that were used and were a good way of establishing the shots that we originally had in our shot list. Also we achieved good continuity editing by ensuring that our match cuts and other various shots were edited carefully so it all flowed into each other.
Overall our whole group worked well together and we planned our task well as a team to make sure we all had a part in doing something.
The only thing that I suggest that could be improved is that we could have worked faster so that we had time to add music and credits to add to the effect of our film.
- Give a detailed, specific example of how you have used a shot/reverse shot combination in your film.
We made sure that we used the 180-degree rule in order to do our shot reverse shot. When it was the scene where the two characters were having a conversation in the classroom, we filmed one of the characters first over the opposite characters shoulder and stopped where the other character was due to say her line. We then filmed the other character saying her line from behind the opposites shoulder. We then had two different shots and then just cut and edited them together so that it flowed into a shot reverse shot.
- Give a detailed, specific example of how you achieved match cuts during the editing process
We filmed Havana walking through the corridor, and we focused on the door handle, in which she opened after. We went inside, and filmed her opening the door from the outside.
During the editing, we had to cut in between where Havana opened the door, and stopped half way. Then we added the bit where we filmed from the inside, and then cut it half way where she’s walking in. We had to choose the cuts carefully, e.g., Havana opened the door with her right foot, so we had to cut it, with her right foot inside.
Prelimanary Task: Shot List
1) Panning-the room
2) Tracking-foot steps
3) Shot reverse shot-conversation
4) Close up- characters face & door handle
5) Medium close up- characters
6) Establishing shot- the scenery
7) Low angle- as the character walks up the stairs
8) Wide angle- room
9) Long shot- characters
10) Point of view shot- looking at their phone
11) High angle shot- from flats